Assign or remove a Copilot

You can safely delegate tasks to someone else without sharing your login information by assigning them as your Copilot. A Copilot can access your Expensify account through their own login to:

  • Prepare expenses on your behalf.
  • Approve and reimburse expense reports (Full Access Copilots only).
  • View and modify your account, domain, and workspace settings.
  • View all expenses visible in your account.

Assign a Copilot

  1. Go to Settings > Account > Profile.
  2. Under Copilot Access, enter the email or phone number of the person you want to assign as your Copilot.
  3. Select the access level:
    • Full Access: The Copilot can manage expenses, approvals, reimbursements, and account settings but cannot add or remove other Copilots.
    • Submit Only Access: The Copilot can submit reports but cannot approve them.
  4. Click Invite copilot.

Note: If the invited person has an Expensify account, they’ll receive an email notification. Otherwise, they’ll get a link to create an account.

Remove a Copilot

  1. Go to Settings > Account > Profile.
  2. Under Copilot Access, find the Copilot you want to remove.
  3. Click the red X next to their name to remove them.

Note: Only the account owner can remove a Copilot. Copilots cannot remove other Copilots.

Switch to Copilot Mode

A Copilot in Expensify allows you to manage another account with granted permissions, making it easy to assist with expenses and reports.

On the website:

  1. Click your profile icon in the upper left.
  2. Under Copilot Access, select the account you want to access.

On the mobile app:

  1. Tap the menu icon in the top left.
  2. Tap your profile icon.
  3. Tap Switch to Copilot Mode and select the account.

Note: When in Copilot mode, the Expensify header turns blue, and an airplane icon appears. To return to your account, click your profile icon and select Return to your account.


Can I have more than one Copilot?

Yes, there is no limit to the number of Copilots you can add to your account.

Can a Copilot forward receipts to my account?

Yes, a Copilot can forward receipts from any email address linked to their Expensify account.

To ensure the receipt is sent to the correct account, email it to and enter the copiloted account’s email in the subject line.

Can a Copilot add another Copilot to an account?

No, only the account owner can assign additional Copilots.

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