Create a company workspace

Setting up an Expensify workspace is the first step to managing company expenses efficiently. Follow this guide to create and configure your workspace, invite members, and enable key features. Your first workspace comes with a free 30-day trial and access to a Setup Specialist for assistance. Reach out via the #admins chat room or Concierge in your Inbox.

1. Create a workspace

Workspaces help manage company expenses, enforce policies, and integrate with accounting software. Each workspace has its own set of rules, settings, company card feeds, and integrations. Once invited to a workspace, members can submit expenses according to its rules.

Steps to Create a Workspace:

  1. Click your profile photo or icon in the bottom left menu.
  2. Scroll down and click Workspaces in the left menu.
  3. Click New workspace.
  4. Click the Edit pencil icon next to your workspace image or icon and select Upload Image to choose an image from your saved files.
  5. Click Name to enter a new name for the workspace.
  6. Click Default Currency to set the currency for all expenses submitted under the workspace. Expensify automatically converts all other currencies to your default currency.

Click your profile photo or icon

Click Workspaces in the left menu and New Worksapce

Options to make changes like a custom workspace name

2. Connect to your accounting software

If you use QuickBooks Online (QBO), Xero, NetSuite, or Sage Intacct, connect your workspace for seamless imports and exports.

Benefits of Connecting:

Import: Expensify syncs your chart of accounts for accurate expense coding. Export: Approved expense reports are sent directly to your accounting software.

Integration Guides:

  1. Connect to QuickBooks Online
  2. Connect to Xero
  3. Connect to NetSuite
  4. Connect to Sage Intacct

3. Add categories

Categories help organize expenses. If you connected to accounting software, Expensify imports your chart of accounts automatically.

Steps to Manage Categories:

  1. Click Categories in the left menu.
  2. Enable or disable categories:
  3. Disable: Click a category and toggle it off.
  4. Add: Click Add Category, enter a name, and click Save.

Learn more about expense categories.

Categories are enabled by default. However, if you want to completely disable all categories, you can do so by clicking More Features in the left menu and clicking the Categories toggle to disable it.

4. Invite members

Steps to Invite Team Members:

  1. Click Members in the left menu.
  2. Click Invite Member.
  3. Search by name, email, or phone number (multiple selections allowed).
  4. Click Next, optionally add a message, and click Invite.

You can also invite members on the workspace’s Profile page by clicking Share to share the workspace’s URL or QR code.

Click Members on the left and click Invite member

Use the search field to find the individual by name, email, or phone number

Enter a custom message into the Message field

5. Assign admins

Admins manage workspace settings, reports, and approvals. The table below shows key differences between members and admins:

Member Admin
✔ Submit their own reports ✔ Submit their own reports
✔ Approve reports submitted to them ✔ Approve reports submitted to them
  ✔ View all workspace reports
  ✔ Approve all workspace reports
  ✔ Edit workspace settings

Steps to Assign Admins:

  1. Click Membersb> in the left menu.
  2. Select a member’s name.
  3. Click Roleb> and set them as Adminb>.

6. Set Up Approval Workflows

Approval workflows streamline expense review and reimbursement.

Enable Approvals:

  1. Click Workflows in the left menu.
  2. Toggle Add Approvals on.

Configure a Default Approval Workflow:

  1. Click Workflows in the left menu.
  2. Under Expenses from Everyone, set a First Approver.
  3. Add additional approvers if needed.
  4. Click Save.

Note: A default approval workflow is required when approvals are enabled.

Configure Custom Workflows for Specific Members:

  1. Click Workflows in the left menu.
  2. Click Add Approval Workflow.
  3. Select a member and their first approver.
  4. Click Next and continue adding approvers.
  5. Click Add Workflow to save.

7. Enable Additional Features

You can customize your workspace by enabling features such as:

Steps to Enable Features:

  1. Click More Features in the left menu.
  2. Enable desired features.
  3. Click the new menu item to configure settings.

8. Monitor Your Free Trial

Track your Free Trial start date and remaining days on the Subscription page.

  • Your Setup Specialist and Concierge are available for support.
  • You’ll receive notifications when your trial starts and ends.
  • To continue using Expensify, add a billing card before your trial ends.

Hightlight the free trial start and end date

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